denver cupcake food truck

Denver Cupcake Truck – Denver, CO (@cakecrumbstruck)

This truck is no longer operating. One thing that makes people, organizations and food trucks successful is passion. Passion is the one quality that can push something from being mediocre to being great! The Denver Cupcake Truck is passionate about their food truck products, but perhaps even more importantly is how passionate their customers are.…

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gastroPod Miami – Miami, FL (@gastropodmiami)

Congratulations to gastroPod Miami as’s Food Truck Of-The-Week! This truck is no longer operating. In 1962 the Best Picture Academy Award went to Lawrence of Arabia.  The #1 song was Peppermint Twist by Joey Dee.  The Beverly Hillbillies was the most popular TV show.  1962 was the year of the Cuban missile crisis. 1962 was also…

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Cupcake Stop – New York, NY (@cupcakestop)

This truck is no longer operating. There’s always room for dessert, and there is always certainly room for a cupcake from New York City’s original mobile gourmet cupcake shoppe! The Cupcake Stop features traditional “stores” as well as multiple mobile locations roaming the New York City area. They feature flavors for everybody’s taste with flavors such…

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LA Food Truck Tour (Part 1)

Where do you go for your spring break vacation? For us the answer was simple, on a photo tour of Los Angeles food trucks! Our first stop was on Ontario in Burbank (near Yahoo!)where we found a line-up of six trucks. We couldn’t eat at all of them but we had a great time looking…

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The Fast Foodie – Milwaukee, WI (@fastfoodiemke)

The Fast Foodie in Milwaukee, WI is the only place you can get a Globaco!  What’s a Globaco?  Short for global taco, the “Globaco” takes a myriad of global cuisines and puts them in warm flour tortillas to make portable gourmet street food.  Imagine a Jamaican “Globaco” or a Puerto Rican “Globaco”…you can enjoy many diverse…

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Cleveland & Orlando Getting New Food Truck Events!

(Note: For a review and recap of Cleveland’s C-Town Chow Down including photos visit As the food truck phenomena continues it is great to note that two cities are having food truck oriented events for the very first time! This coming Sunday (March 27) the C-Town Chow Down will take place in Cleveland’s Lincoln…

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Los Angeles Street Food Mobile App – (@lastreetfoodapp)

The LA Street Food app is the essential mobile application for foodies and food truck chasers in Southern California.  This app for the iPhone, iPad, and Touch (Android and Blackberry versions coming) provides a plethora of information for those looking to really experience street food and food tucks in an efficient manner.  Sometimes checking the…

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