mmmpanadas austin tx

mmmpanadas – Austin, TX (@mmmpanadas)

There are some amazing gourmet empanadas being produced by mmmpanadas in Austin, TX.  Big flavor and amazingly creative flavor combinations. For those unfamiliar with empanadas think of stuffed bread or pastry.  The texture of the pastry is as critical as the ingredients that are baked inside the empanada.  Think of a stromboli or even a…

Hodge Podge Truck (@hodgepodgetruck) Shows New “Integrity… Learn It!” T-Shirt (#greatfoodtruckrace)

Update:  The Hodge Podge Food Truck “Integrity… Learn It!” t-shirts are now available!  Go to to order yours! On September 11th’s episode of The Great Food Truck Race (on the @foodnetwork) host Tyler Florence (@tylerflorence) reveled that New York’s Korilla BBBQ (@korillabbq) had added extra money to their daily receipts in an effort to “cheat”…