JiBARO – Cleveland, OH

Note: This food truck is not currently operational. Cleveland has another new food truck.  It has only been a couple of days since one new truck launched in Cleveland, now there is another.  Welcome to JiBARO serving an international flavored menu with a focus on Caibbean food. The JiBARO menu features Bison burgers, gourmet chicken burgers, crabby…

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Umami Moto – Cleveland, OH (@umamimoto)

Note: This food truck is not currently operational. Up until today Cleveland had one really great food truck Dim and Den Sum (@dimanddensum).  Today they have their second with the launch of Umami Moto.  It’s interesting to note that Dim and Den Sum recently went on winter hibernation, after all who wants to visit a food truck…

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Deluxe Street Food – Denver, CO (@deluxe_st_food)

Note: This food truck is not currently operational. Denver’s Deluxe Street Food truck aka the Little Orange Rocket is the street food extension of one of Denver’s most on the rise chefs Dylan Moore.  The Little Orange Rocket is an offshoot of Moore’s Deluxe and Deluxe Burger sit down restaurants. The Little Orange Rocket food truck’s mission is simple;…

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