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– Chris Brogan, famous blogger

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Gaztro-Wagon, Chicago, IL (@wherezthewagon)

Congratulations to Gaztro-Wagon as FoodTruckTalk.com’s Food Truck Of-The-Week! Note: This food truck is not currently operational. Chicago’s Gaztro-Wagon is run by Matt Maroni with a very simple philosophy, fresh food fast.  The Wagon’s fresh seasonal fare has hit the streets running in Chicago and becoming extremely popular as a food truck as well as a traditional “store” location. The…

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mmmpanadas – Austin, TX (@mmmpanadas)

There are some amazing gourmet empanadas being produced by mmmpanadas in Austin, TX.  Big flavor and amazingly creative flavor combinations. For those unfamiliar with empanadas think of stuffed bread or pastry.  The texture of the pastry is as critical as the ingredients that are baked inside the empanada.  Think of a stromboli or even a…

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Buttermilk Truck – Los Angeles, CA (@buttermilktruck)

Congratulations to the Buttermilk Truck as FoodTruckTalk.com’s Food Truck Of-The-Week! There is no doubt, breakfast can be enjoyed any time of the day, or night!  Los Angeles’ Buttermilk truck proves that by being one of Southern California’s most popular and long-standing food trucks. Gigi Pascual, the Buttermilk Truck owner, is proud that virtually all of her food…

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